Modern Labor Economics- Theory and Public Policy (GE) 12-e瘋狂驚喜 博客來

1.Eight new Boxed Examples in the Twelfth Edition address engaging topics such as the “Big Mac” real-wage index, how housing subsidies affect labor supply, the effects of linguistics on personal discount rates, and the effects of race on called strikes in baseball.

博客來網路書局2.An expanded treatment of the labor-market effects of immigration in Chapter 10 ties into the growing debate on unauthorized immigration, one of today’s hot-button issues. The chapter now includes analysis of the elasticity of the labor demand curve and the economic effects of low-skilled immigration on higher-skilled workers.

3.An enhanced discussion of human capital investments in Chapter 9 offers a more detailed analysis of how “behavioral skills,” psychic costs of learning, and personal discount rates affect the returns to education. These issues are highly relevant to students as they look ahead to their future careers.


  • 出版社:華泰文化    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2014/11/05
  • 語言:英文

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Modern Labor Economics- Theory and Public Policy (GE) 12-e瘋狂驚喜


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Modern Labor Economics- Theory and Public Policy (GE) 12-e瘋狂驚喜


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